what is the shiny raikou action replay code

what is the shiny raikou action replay code
Pokemon Diamond / Pearl - Action Replay. What Are Some Pokemon Platinum Action.is action
We are aloud to. Here is the code for the European version. I'm sure It works with the American version as well. DO NOT BREED. USE ONLY WHEN NEEDED!
Answer (1 of 122): I have a shiny code that really 100% works l+r to activate short but sweet 12075e52 000046c0 hope I helped
For Pokemon Diamond Version on the DS, a GameFAQs Answers question titled "What is the action replay code for all wild pokemon shiny?".
02064EC8 47104A00 02064ECC 02000031 94000130 FCFE0200 02066db8 47084900 02066dbc 02000001 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FCFE0100 02066db8 95019000 02066dbc 90022000
Raikou Entei and Suicune
Shiny Entei
Answer (1 of 51): HOLD SELECT to encounter the following Pokemon Bulbasaur 94000130 fffb0000 d5000000 00000001 b2101d40 00000000 c0000000 0000000b d7000000 000233ec
What is the action replay code for all.
What is the action replay code for all.
Einfach Vergleichen, Einfach Sparen - Bei uns immer Schnäppchen!

This code will make your Pokemon shiny when activated. Have fun.. 020736CC 47004800 020736D0 02000081 E2000080 00000038 6800480C 1808490A 88428801 0C249C0D 40614051
READ THIS. The following code is for DIAMOND AND PEARL ONLY. It is a convienient code because, unlike other shiny Pokémon codes, it activates without
What is the shiny Pokemon action replay.