Can you donate blood while on hcg

Can you donate blood while on hcg
Can you donate blood while on hcg

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Can you donate blood while on your period. Can you donate blood while on your period.
17.06.2009 · Best Answer: yes u can, any contraceptive u take doesnt matter, u can still donate Yes, I am on Lo-Ovral and I can donate. Yeah. yes, im on
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Can you donate blood while on your.
If you are thinking about starting a HCG diet plan you may be worried about the menu and the low calories allowed. Sticking to a strict meal plan can make the idea of
28.03.2008 · Best Answer: well, since your anemic, having your period would probably make your iron levels worse. i also tried to donate blood and my iron levels were
if you feel fine then yes. By the end of your period you'll have lost around half a cup of liquid - which is a small amount. The nurses who will be taking your